Do you know the song by 3-11 that's called Beautiful Disaster? Well, the title fits my daughter beautifully. She is the biggest girly-girl you'll ever meet, but has to do whatever you don't want her to do, at the same time. Like riding Batman scooters, into puddles of water, while wearing her Sleeping Beauty dress. I had a woman from our ward come up to me one Sunday and say, "When I saw a little fairy with wings, wearing cowboy boots, it made my day." That's my baby! She has me wrapped so tight around her finger, I don't know if I'll ever get loose. Robert too! The pics above are of her pouting because I called her in for dinner. "Oh heaven forbid we have to eat! Can't we just play into the wee hours of the morning? I'm so picked on!!" That's my little drama queen. I had to snap pics of her dissolving into tears over it. I'm such a bad Mom to make my kids eat. LOL.
Life is so hard when you're a Princess!!!
I miss her already. Seeing her pictures makes me want to squeeze her!!
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